Call for Contributions

MathSport Asia 2024

MathSport Asia 2024

Authors are invited to submit abstracts of at most 2000 characters (space included) by July 15, 2024 August 04, 2024.

Abstracts should mention 3-5 keywords. Abstracts should be written in English.

Abstracts must be submitted through the Microsoft CMT (Conference Management Toolkit). Click the button below, to submit.

Authors will be notified of acceptance by July 29, 2024 August 18, 2024.

Authors of abstracts accepted for the Conference will, at the time of registration, be given the option to indicate whether they want to submit full papers for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings. The deadlines for submission of full papers and the prescribed formats will be indicated at the time of registration.

Publishing of Conference Papers

Subject to receiving sufficient numbers of papers and after a rigorous review process, full papers submitted to the Conference will be included (with authors’ consent) in a collection of articles to be submitted for publication to (i) Springer for possible publication in a Scopus-indexed book series or (ii) Vilakshan XJM (XIM Universities Journal published by Emerald, a UGC-CARE journal) or (iii) the Journal Of Quantitative Analysis of Sports, a Scopus-indexed official journal of the American Statistical Association.

Best Paper Awards

The best three papers presented at the conference will be awarded Rs. 10,000 each.